are power used by robots, robots need energy to work as we human need food to work, robots needs energy to work.
Energy is stored and, robots consume it, from a source.
Robots are energized with AC & DC current.
For powering robots we use different types of power source and it depends on how efficient working robots, no. of sensors used in robots, motors used in robots (which type of motors they are and how much they consume).
For how much time you need your robot to work, do you need that your robot should be wireless?
We should keep these things in mind before choosing power source for our robots.
- Calculating the consumption of Robots.
- Calculate Battery life/ Energizer capacity.
- Calculate working hours of your Robots.
- Choosing a power source suitable for your Robots.
How to calculate the consumption of robots?
Calculate number of motor used, number of sensors used, how much power they consume within a minute.
Its written on motors that how much volt and power they need.
How to calculate Battery life / Energizer capacity ?
energizer capacity of storing is labelled on battery, you have heard of 1000 mah Battery, you just need to calculate the discharge rate for your battery and that too is labeled on some of the battery, you just need to know about it.
Working hours of Robots are depends on you for how much time you need that your Robot should work, and for competitions it doesn't take more than 15 minutes in around usually it takes 5 minutes though.
There are two types
- AC
- DC
AC - Alternating current, is power delivered to our residence or office, which we call electricity,
in technical words, in AC the flow of electrons direction moves back and forward at a regular interval.
Standard current used in India is 240 V & 50 Hz
DC- Direct current is what we use batteries, solar cell and etc.
In technical words ,in DC the flow of electrons moves continuously in one direction.
** DC current is used in making robots.
How to change AC in to DC?
The process of changing AC in to DC is Rectification & Device that helps to do this job is called Rectifier.
There are different types of rectifier we use.
- Half Wave Rectifier
- Full Wave Rectifier
- Bridge Rectifier
Using Direct Current in robots- For powering robot we use Adapters, Power Supply, Batteries.
Adapters with 12- 24 V with different Ampere currents are available in market & Power supply too is available on market.
You can make your own AC to DC converting device too, How to make your own AC to DC conversion?
For making your own AC to DC power supply you just need
- 4 Diodes
- AC Transformer 12 V
Then create a bridge rectifier, video will be uploaded soon.
For War Bots or Battle Bots you can use AC power, to energize your robots.
You can use Car Batteries for Wireless robots.