Image Processing

Image Processing with MATLAB

What is Image Processing, and what we can do with it?
Image Processing deals with Image & process it using mathematical operations, Basically image is divided into pixels, and size of image is donated by pixels, like (1024 x 880) this image contains 1024 * 880 pixels.

Processing of image is, Improving image, editing them,removing noise, and getting information with the image,object detection, face recognition, gathering data via image, google sign board reading and translation, these all are work based on image processing.

Image processing is a new Trend, we can deal with image and get more information about it.

This is about image processing.

Why Image processing with MATLAB?
As we know MATLAB is a user friendly language, and MATLAB Provide users with function by which we can process image without any trouble, and moreover MATLAB has a wide range of platform to work so its best to work in it.

Analog & Digital

Analog is relating or using signals or information by a continuously variable physical quantity, such as position, voltage.
Analog signal is any continuous signal for which time varying variable of the signal is representation of some other varying quantity.
Example- A clock  is information which is governed by physical quantity gear & gives us time as a information, so it depends on accuracy of gears and all.

Digital Image Processing

Digital is signal or data which is expressed in digits typically represent by values or voltage.
Example- 0 & 1 are voltage, whatever we are seeing in our screen is in binary, 0 & 1 and what we are seeing is high and low voltages on our screen this is digital.
Let us see an example, of representation of high and low.

Here in above picture you can see a White Square and a Black Square, where White Square is One's Matrix & Black square is Zeros Matrix, these are voltages shown in pixels, where pixels of matrix are(16x32).
This is basic information about analog and digital.

For Image Processing you should know about MATRIX and it's Properties.

Types of Image and Conversions

  • True Colour Image (RGB)
  • Grayscale Image
  • Black and White
  • Indexed
  • HSV
When you read the image with the function given above  imread(‘filename.fileformat’)
it shows pixel values in work space and you will see (1084*240*3)  Here (1084*240) and *3 is layers of image, RGB.

Functions of Image Conversions.

RGB To Grayscale
Grayscale to RGB is not possible.
RGB To Black and White
Black and White to RGB is not possible.
Grayscale To Black and White
Black and White To Grayscale is not possible.

Functions of Image Processing MATLAB

Reads image from the path given and add it to MATLAB workspace.
It reads particular file, of which name is given.
Allows you to choose a file from anywhere you want to choose.Reads image and add it to MATLAB workspace.
Shows file in figure window

Image Properties

 Grey scale
 Black and White
 Zoom In
 Zoom Out

Application of Image Processing.

  • Robotics
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Automobile etc.
