How to prepare for GATE 2022

How to prepare for GATE 2022 & Notes of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “Don’t read success stories, you will only get the message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.”

I am writing this blog so you can learn from my mistakes and succeed, If you are preparing for GATE, you should’ve started the preparation.

How to Study for GATE?
What I did was started my preparation in July, and every week or two weeks, I studied one subject, and then on Sunday of that week or at the end of the week, used to give subject-wise test series.

Plan your year.
Like if you are a Mechanical Student, Plan your subjects per week like in 18 weeks you have to complete the preparation of your 13 subjects.

Start Test Series
I took 2 test series the first test series I took was from ALLEN & 2nd from ACE Academy.
ALLEN test series was low level, test series & that type of questions come in the GATE Exam.
ACE test series was hard in comparison to Allen, in my opinion, you should take the ACE test series first or Made easy test series.

Review questions after test series
Reviewing every question is important, make a copy where you will solve every question and write the important formula which is used to solve questions.

Make Short notes
Make short notes of every subject after completing it & Keep updating it.

What to study?
Study the main subjects first as if you are in Mechanical you should study, Mechanics of Material, Fluid Mechanics, Manufacturing first.
Prioritize your subjects and make a list, like this week this subject.

Theory of Machines
Machine   Design
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
May take up to 3
2 Weeks
 2 Weeks
1 Week
Every Week
1-2 Hours
 2 Weeks

NOTE - Every subject is very important.

How to Study & Stay Motivated?
Our mind needs little progress so, how we can do that? We can take online courses from NPTEL & Coursera, while studying for GATE & we can get certificates also, and that certificate gives you Credit, Beyond academics.

What I did was took courses from Coursera & NPTEL.

Mechanics of Material - Coursera
Machine Design Part 1- Coursera
Thermodynamics- NPTEL
Fluid Mechanics- NPTEL
Manufacturing- NPTEL
Engineering Mechanics- Coursera
Engineering Mathematics- NPTEL

Doing this course kept me Motivated the whole year, so you can learn & get certificates also which will help you in the future.

When to study?
Start your preparation in morning time there are many reasons for that, the very the first reason to study at Morning time is it keeps our biological cycle good, GATE Exam timing is 9:30 to 12:30 & 2:30 to 5:30 so when you work at that time it increases the efficiency of your mind at that period of time.
I used to solve my test series on weekends at alternate timings.

After completing the subject-wise test series and studying all the subjects till November or November end, now it's time to make Short Notes.

Make short notes of every subject and start giving Mock tests daily or in 2 days, and (Remember after completing your course)

Keep updating your short notes with the mock test & remember timing is important.

In one month you will complete your Online test series, then start solving more the question, the more you practice the more you strengthen your Mind.

Usain bolt ran for 9.89 seconds but remember he was preparing for it his whole life, so you have to keep preparing every day for those 3 hours.

Give yourself a break sometimes
Keep meditating
Take care of your health
Exercise daily (Healthy mind can do better always)
Eat healthily
Stay Positive
Stay Motivated

My Experience of GATE 2019:

I always wanted to study in a good college, so when I went to college there was always one thought in my mind "GATE "so I started my GATE preparation in starting of 3rd year, I followed everything mentioned above and it helped me in gaining great theoretical knowledge.
My mistakes were I was getting depressed by giving mock tests of ACE Academy because I started it last month means in January.
So, after 2-3 weeks I stopped solving the question, so this was the main reason I failed, I was expecting to get 50-60 marks but I didn't get.

Starting was going well & smooth but the last month (January) & last week( January end) was tough, everything I was observing around me, I was using formulas there, like when I saw a wall then I was using Fourier Law there, Water coming out of tap I was seeing Mass flow rate, I was seeing science everywhere and it irritated me.

As the time of GATE was coming closer, I was getting more depressed, by the day of the exam I learned every Formula & Theory, but I wasn't confident enough about it.
I revised the formula & notes 10 times before the exam, but I forgot some Formulas in the examination hall because I was under so much pressure and that was one of the reasons I failed.
But the hard work taught me everything I should learn in Engineering and now I am so much confident about my subjects.

If you are getting any problem in your preparation you can contact me through Contact Form, maybe I can help you with that.

Some key points everyone should follow:
Do not overeat,
Drink enough water daily,
Have a good sleep,
Revise every day,
Plan exam center routine every day, 

Before answering any questions ask why? (IN EXAM & PRACTICE SESSION)

