Basics of MATLAB | Chapter 1

MATLAB is based on matrix, even that a scalar quantity suppose (x=1) is Fitted in 1x1 matrices.

Variable are given by simple command like >>x=1

This creates a variable x and assign the value '1' to it, assigned value is stored  in Workspace as you can see in Fig given below.

Variable Rules:

  1. Variable should be start with Character Alphabet, it should not be any number.
  2. There should not be any space between variable name.
  3. Variable name should not be any predefined  function.

Here are some predefined functions that can be used when defining a variable.

rand                    %Generates uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1.
randn                  %Generates normally distributed random numbers.
complex              % For Complex variables
exp(x)                 %Exponential 
log(x)                  %Natural logarithm.
ln(x)                    %log10(x) Common (base 10). 
sqrt(x)                 %Square root of x.

Definition- Array is a data structure consist of collection of elements, values and variables.

In MATLAB Arrays are classified in Vector & Matrix

Here are two things we have to work on array these are
  1. Creating Array- It means creating a array one dimensional and multidimensional.
  2. Addressing Array- It means to address particular element in array how to address elements in array by Row and Column.
Vector are divided into three types.
  1. Random Vector
  2. Series Vector
  3. Linear Vector
Random Vector
  • Use always Square Brackets or Closed Bracket "[ ]"
  • We can separate elements by Comma '','' & Space "  " 
For example-  >>x=[1,2,3] OR >>x=[1 2 3]

Series Vector
  • Series vector is represented by [m:n], where m is First No. & n is Nth Number.
  • If we use colon then square bracket are optional otherwise compulsory.
  • Suppose common difference is missed then MATLAB will automatically take ones common difference For example-
>>x[1 2 3 4 5]

  • In case last no. is out of series MATLAB will take previous value by its own, For example- 
>>x= [1:2:9]
% then value displayed will be
>>x=[1 2  4 6 8]
%These Values are stored in x]

Linear Vector
function for linear vector is linspace(m,n,q)
where m is 1st element, n is last element, and q is total values b/w them with common differences.
Note: if we did not put q, in then MATLAB will create 100 Parts by its own.
Parenthesis is compulsory.
Separation of elements are only  done by comma

A Rectangular array consist of numbers, expressions or symbols arranged in Rows & Column.

  • Square brackets are compulsory []
Some MATRIX function are as follows-

x=pascal(x)- Pascal Matrix

x=magic(x)- Magic Matrix wit Random Number

x=eye(x)-  Identical Matrix

x=zeros(x)- Zeros Matrix

x=ones(x)- Ones Matrix

See Figure-
Different Matrix
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