It's a 4th generation language, designed by Cleve Moler, it first appeared in the 1970's.
a programming language developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows you to do more thing then other languages, we can say its a user-friendly language which makes your work easy.
MATLAB basically divided into two parts, Matrix & Laboratory,
The user exploits this feature of MATLAB to perform the vectorized operation.
This is the MATLAB logo, this describes the version and features of MATLAB, its 2015 version of MatLab with 64-bit, launched on Feb-12-2015, Developed by MathWorks.
MATLAB allows users.
- Plotting of functions
- Data implementation of algorithms
- Graphic user interface
- Building application
- Simulation
- Graphical Representation
- Mathematical calculation
- Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Video Processing and many more...
The basics building block of MATLAB is the MATRIX,
Basics of MATLAB
This is Desktop screen when you open MATLAB in your PC, it is designed for mobile phones also but you cannot perform many tasks on it.
Current Folder- It keeps your files, this folder shows your matlab files only if you save them here, you can see MatLab files ends with ".m" means if you have to save your file you can save here with .m, i.e its MATLAB files.
Command Window- Here we can enter commands, (>>) this you can see on Command Window it means its a command line, here command entered ar executed at every step and result is displayed at next step.
Note: If you want to write more commands then we use the semicolon(;) then entered command will be executed at that step where you want it to.
Workspace- workspace saves all your data, values that are given at Command Window.
Editor Window- All files are created in the Editor window, here we write code and there is an option we can see in Fig: Run, which runs your Command.
Note: Error and outputs are displayed in the Command window after we run the Program or Code.
This is all about getting started with MATLAB.
Current Folder- It keeps your files, this folder shows your matlab files only if you save them here, you can see MatLab files ends with ".m" means if you have to save your file you can save here with .m, i.e its MATLAB files.
Command Window- Here we can enter commands, (>>) this you can see on Command Window it means its a command line, here command entered ar executed at every step and result is displayed at next step.
Note: If you want to write more commands then we use the semicolon(;) then entered command will be executed at that step where you want it to.
Workspace- workspace saves all your data, values that are given at Command Window.
Editor Window- All files are created in the Editor window, here we write code and there is an option we can see in Fig: Run, which runs your Command.
Note: Error and outputs are displayed in the Command window after we run the Program or Code.
- MATLAB works on JIT (Just In Time) Whereas other work on Interpreter.
- MATLAB does not follow the order of BODMAS it follows the order of precedence
- Parentheses ()
- Transpose (.'), power (. ^), complex conjugate transpose ('), matrix power (^)
- Unary plus (+), unary minus (-), logical negation (~)
- Multiplication (.*), Right division (./), left division (.\), matrix multiplication (*), matrix right division (/), matrix left division (\)
- Addition (+), subtraction (-)
- Colon operator (:)
- Less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), equal to (==), not equal to (~=)
- Logical AND (&)
- Logical OR (|)
File Saving Rules-
- It should be started with Character Alphabet.
- There should be no space left between the name of the file.
- The name should not be a predefined variable or function, Like Factorial, Sinh, Cosh, etc, These are predefined variables or Function.
-clc it clears the command window
-clear it clears the workspace
This is all about getting started with MATLAB.